Saturday, August 12, 2006

If I were starting again - Part 2

This is a continuation of things/thoughts/experiences that I have learnt over my years of training. Some are just random thoughts so please bare with me! haha I beleive somebody will benefit from some of these. Because I would have if i were just starting out. So lets continue.

4. Learn diet fundamentals even earlier than training fundamentals. Read THIS. I say this because I found it harder to get the diet in order. I have always liked training. But I also love eating. And it took a while to make good eating a habit. When i did so, my recovery improved, strength improved and fat levels dropped. I became stronger for my weight and that makes any athlete better. Some results are HERE and HERE. You can even watch some cooking in action (those celebrity cheffs watch out!).

NO NO NO thats not what we talked about!

Don't neglect unilateral training (one arm/leg at a time). I learnt the hard way HERE. Unilateral training is expecially important for athletes since we will be using one leg/arm at a time MOST of the time. It prevents imbalances and injury, and makes us better on the court/field/ring. Yay!
Just like me:)

6. Posture Posture Posture. This is VERY underdeveloped in almost everybody. When I train people, i spend ALOT of time on this. Want to know how to make your shoulders broarder instantly? No not magic exercises, not steroids... STAND UP STRAIGHT! there we go! 3 cm broarder already! An excellent resource to start with is HERE. Read through all 5 articles. Coach Robertson is good with this kind of rehab/posture stuff.