Saturday, July 08, 2006

Movie Review: Superman Returns

I went to watch this last night. Its actually quite a meaningful show when I think about it a bit. the plot is really holy... I mean...full of holes and unrealsitic stuff (don want to spoil it for those who have not seen it) but hey it was a COMIC so I can excuse that. There are many reminders of the old supermans. Even the actor they chose is so similar to Reeves same smile, same hairstyle, and pretty muscular too. Jimmy Olson's camera is now a Nikon D2X so thats an upgrade though haha. The ending is VERY inconclusive... I was unsatisfied about that. But I guess we need that for sequals.

But there are some things to think about after the show that actually relate to real life (impressive for a comic based film I think)

1. There are alot of scenes where the key point is the relationship between father and son, and how the father wants to pass down his legacy and even some of himself to his son. Not enough fathers want to do that these days. Fathering is so important and has always been. But in this age, its not valued enough and I feel that fathering is not consided enough as part of manhood. I beleive that its EXTREMELY manly and at least superman does too!

2. There is the issue of "ability/power" vs the need for love. Superman is of course super but there is one time when he feels alone and unloved and like almost all men, goes into a "cave" to be alone. Since he can fly, his cave is orbit around earth. But isnt it true that I could have all the physical ablity on earth but without the abiltiy to give or recieve love its uesless.

3. Another point that I thought was important was (in superman's father's words - paraphrased) "I sent you my only son to show earth how to be good, cos they are messed up". The point is the earth's need for a "savior". My thought is, superman does a pretty good job. I mean he stops some crime, saves some people from crashing planes etc. But thats really not good enough if he takes on the "savior" role. A savior has to be 100% effective. If a person needs one, a savior HAS to be there 100%. He can't just be faster than a speeding bullet. He has to be instant, and he has to be everywhere.

4. Linked to point no.3 is superman's goodness... he stands for truth, justice and etc (all good stuff)... and he does a good job of living up to that. As ususal in this kind of film, the bad guy almost kills him but not quite (shock!). And after that when hes A-OK, he DOESN'T go after the baddie! Instead only goes after the effects of the bad guy's invention... uh... maybe thats forgiveness, kindness, or niceness...- all good... (not to mention the cause for a sequal) but uh got to go after the baddie once and for all!!