Results of 6 weeks of strength training on a golfer.
Yeah that golfer is my DAD. Remember he wanted to get fit. He's been doing body weight circuits + kettle bell training for the past 6 weeks. Not only is he harder and his tummy smaller, his golf game took a nice turn for the better. He is averaging 15 m MORE ON EACH GOOD DRIVE.
He's even confusing himself as to which clubs to use because of the new range. Sure not every shot is a good drive but thats a technique issue so Tiger Woods has nothing to worry about.
Seriously, think about it, 6 weeks, 15m. On a NON Golf Specific Training program. Imagine if I had him on one of those! Golfers as a community tend to get alot of injures because they aren't big fans of conditioning, and all that repetitive twisting where they fling their lower backs around is BAD.
Power should be generated in the hips and legs, transmitted through a STABLE lower back and into the shoulders and into the arms and down to the club. Stability in the lower back is one of the things that correct strength training does BEST.