Monday, September 18, 2006

Lets not forget health:) - Heart day

I'm all for training for performance and even appearance. But over-riding all this MUST be health. Coming up this weekend is world-wide (or at least countries who care) heart day. Very under-publicised (wow alot of hyphenated words today!) considering I didn't even know about it till i heard in mentioned in a speech.

For a muscle that exerts itself 100 thousand times a day with the force of a hard squeeze of a tennis ball in your hand. (uh that adds up to 2.8 BILLION times over a 75yr life) its incredibly resilient. It pumps 1 million barrels (3 x oil super tanker) in a lifetime through 100,000 km of blood vessels. If it fails...we meet our maker in an instant. If it malfunctions its a lifetime of medical issues.

People SAY they know health is important... but how many people really - don't eat processed food? don't eat excess food? do exercise (let's not even get started on what type) 3-4 times a week? do eat healthy fats and natural foods? keep their stress levels and emotional health in a good state?

hahah talk is cheap but medical bills are not! Ghandi had a pretty good saying: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. How about applying this to heart health:).