Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Act as if

This is a great concept that has ben around a long time. its called "act as if". When we are young its called "pretending". Sometimes this gets lost as we get older. pretending is "just not me" or "its so fake" but you know, its one of the best ways to learn and build habits.

Its a great concept to bring to training. Imagine if...

you lived, ate, trained and acted like a world class sprinter, lifter, basketball player or anything else (I'm assuming that your role model is worthy if emmulation). You pretend that you follow their training, their diet, their dedication. Guess what, in a years time you will certainly be closer to that ideal specimen than you were when you started. This "pretending" is a really powerful tool.

Didn't we use this tool when we were learnign how to write or do maths? just follow the teacher'e example on the blackboard. And in the end, after some "pretending" we finally were able to do it ourselves. pretending is really a valid training tool.

Note: Practice makes permenant not perfect so choose a worthwile role model.

Not quite what i mean... but you get the idea!