Agility Is not just for athletes
This is a pretty nutty story! Paula Abdul breaks her nose avoiding her dog. Ok while not poking fun at the misfortune of others, I'm a person who takes all "non contact" i.e. nobody hit you.. injuries as a training (or lack of training fault).
There are SO MANY non contact knee ligament tears, ankle sprains and back problems. Most people are no able to control their bodyweight well enough to avoid these injuries. Desk jobs and excess calories make this happen.
Thats why when I train people they first have to be able to accelerate and decelerate their own bodies before we start going wild with the heavy weights. Sometimes people ask me why my clients are doing "simple" stuff like push up and bodyweight inverted rows. Lunges and step-up's etc... Well... its because thats all they can handle at this moment and any more is irresponsible program design!