Monday, October 16, 2006

Goals and actions

I just gave a talk last weekend to parents, teachers and other people who are trying to influence the next generation as part of my work with Touch Community Services. It was (as ususal) about internet related issues and how we can help our youth deal sucecssfully with the use and dangers of the internet. We get some really awesome feedback.

"You must come to the talk! You will be shocked to know what your kid is doing"
"Its great, wonderful, informative, and the cost is too little with respect to the content of the talk"

All the comments are positive just less expressive than those above "its a must! so informative". stuff like that.

So the talk is good. But what i am concerned about is: What do parents say to their children who may be addicted to games/internet when they go home after the talk? Do they really change their parenting style to be more understanding of their kids becuase of the new information they learn (i.e. that games REALLY are attractive and we cannot be 100% condeming when it comes to games and our children)... unfortunately (from the interactions with some parents) iIbeleive some parents will not change, not cannot but for whatever reason (its not a good enough reason BTW) will not.... Then... NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

The goal of gettign their children to become dis-addicted to games, and getting back to real life priorities must be matched with a willingness to change the parenting approach. Else... the actions do not match the goals.

This idea applies to all areas of life I'm just using this illustration as an example. Actions must match desired outcome (goals) in all things!

Don't study==> Fail tests
Eat junk==> Watch tummy grow!
Don't sleep enough==> Get sick...

and the list goes on...