Abs are nice, they are pretty, both boys and girls want them to look good... nothing wrong with that in itself. BUT we are missing out on the big picture. Besides vanity, abs are REALLY important for other functions as well. and its not just the abs, its the entire torso musculature. Including obliques(sides), spinal errectors (the middle of the back), quadratus lumborum (makes sure the hips are level), and a bunch of smaller ones:) This whole bunch of muscles do the following...
-Keeping Posture -Supporting heavy loads -Trasfering power from the lower body to the upper and Vice versa -and YES looking pretty
I am especially concious about torso strength becuase I have had a slipped disc before thats an OUCH. But now its good as new and stronger than ever thanks alot to consistent core training.
These exercises in the video train the core hard, and in a way that translates to real life activity. Athletes and people who want to make sure that they stay healathy in the back all through life will want to do these. I especially like the swiss ball wood chops (the cable can be put high, middle or low for differnt movement planes - i demonstrate the high and middle variation, i think you can imagine what the low one looks like... just twist and lift diagonally upward.
I learned about them from a video from the Parisi Speed School about training full contact martial artists. Hey those guys are tough. We can learn from all disciplines of sport, so thats what I'm sharing here.
BTW, make sure that you "brace" the abdominals when training them. Hold your breath and blow into the tummy and make it as big as possible (not the chest) this will keep you stable as you train. this holds true for all other lifting as well.
Do you really need to know anything to train people? (finding a good coach/trainer)
There are LOTS of fitness/health/whatever they want to call it chains up all over the world. And thats good. Most people eat too much cake and take too many taxis. What should be of concern to anybody signing up for membership at these places is QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION. There are many coaches/trainers. And its EASY to become one (hey I'm one myself). I have a personal trainer certification from ISSA its probably one of the best courses available. And I am currently working on the specialist in sports condtioning one (should be done in a month... i need to do the exam and make a training video... hey look! i do that already for the blog! no problem:).
But really, the true knowledge i gain is from the athletes i work with and perhaps even more importantly... TRAINING MYSELF. The most i get to work with a person is maybe 4-6 years. YES we can do alot in that time... but compare that with training myslef ... thats 60 years. So i can try just about everything and see what really works and what doesnt.
Getting a trainer when you start out is VERY good BUT only if hes a GOOD ONE! If i had a realyl good coach I beleive I could have cut out 3-4 years of my 11 years of learning.
Here are some tips that would really help you. I will use "he" but it could well be a good female coach. (see so sensitive! hehe)
1. He must be in good shape. This one is kind of duhz... but some trainers are eating prata at the food court next to the gym, with the tummy to show it! Hows that insprational?
2. He must TEACH. NOT just how to use the machines and how to count your repetitions, but how to build good habits, how to design a basic, balanced program, how to shop for food etc...If after 10 sessions or so, you are NOT CONFIDENT to go into ANY GYM in the WORLD and have a good productive workout... the trainer has failed. This is the standard I hold myself to, and planned learning must be part of every session
3. He must be firm (not rude or irritating... but demanding of obedience). Most trainers are too afriad to lose clients. If a person does not do what I say. I fire them. Simple as that. Not that we should be yelling and screaming and using profanities to get more out of people... I am as friendly and kind as can be! But if a person is not serious about progress... thats not money I want to earn.