Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Engaged with a blog?

Hi ladies and gentlemen who read this blog (at the moment we average 100-130 hits a day over the last few weeks with a high of about 235 some days) just a thought... considering the number of hits and page visits, I dont get many comments on articles and not that many items on the tagboard.

Certainly I am not trolling for affection or attention haha! But I feel that taging and commenting is a sign that you have an opinion/thought/feeling to share (which im sure many people do). And it does give me an indication of what articles are enjoyable and engaging for you guys.

If possible, could you guys let me know what you are thinking via a tag or comment? It would really help me improve (not to mention motivate me) the blog to make it special for everybody.



Some reflections on my Malacca trip

As you can see from the pictures HERE, I just got back from malacca. It was a "family" kind of trip with a big bunch of close friends. We walked around, took public transport, ate foods that don't match any of the 7 habits HERE... and spent time getting to know each other better. haha i'm back on the proper food program program now though:)

<--Supposed to see this once each day

One of the things i want to reflect on was the schedule we had. Each day we all woke up at about5-5:30am... OUCH!!. For me 5:30 happens only ONCE a day! The last time I had to wake up so early was in the army. Sleep is important to me... I regularly trade activity (no matter now fun) for sleep. (hehe sleep is also good for fat loss for those who are interested)

So whats there to reflect on? Usually... when a large group of people wake up so early for 3 days in a row...the group morale tends to stink (armed forces experience anybody?) BUT thats not the case this last weekend. Laughter and joy abounds! That supprised and pleased me alot:) Here are my thoughts as to why.

1. I was really interested knowing the other people in the camp. That takes time. No time like 5am to see what people are really like:) I believe that if the whole community has this attitude of openess and transparency tha day becomes fun even if we are tired.

2. The program was purposeuful. Lots of things to learn and do. Each part of the program - the meetings, the talks and the treasure hunt kind of games has a learning attached to it. If there is purpose, I don't mind being tired and yet getting the job done.

3. A positve atmosphere. Small things matter. Greeting somebody with a smile a 5am is something that takes a deliberate decision in the will to do. Because many of the peole there did so, the entire community is strengthened and encouraged. This can be useful and applied in any tense/uncomfortable/unhappy/un-whatever situation. I can learn from this.

Which face would you like to see at 5am in the morning?
Which face would you like to show?:) Would you choose to show it?