Mr. Croc Steve Irwin
I heard about his accidental death on the news yesterday...Its sad. I liked him and he was exteremely fun to watch . I'm no animal lover (unless those animals are good with onions and green peppers haha) but the guy's show was entertaining (not sure about the one where he brought his 1mth old son along though...). Why? because he was ENTHU (thats short form for enthusiastic internet newbies hehe) he was so happy and excited to be playing with the animals (making famous the cause of preserving wildlife). He was passionate. Those kind of people are always fun to be around, and those people make a differnce somewhere somehow! Too many people settling for being too average...Thats another reason i write about passionate people here. Its not easy to be educator and entertainer at the same time but i think Steve dia good job of that!
He's so popular that on MSN messenger many people are using a "turtle" picture in rememberance of him (turtle-->reptile-->croc-->crocodile hunter-->Steve Irwin... get the connection?). pretty cool:)