Monday, June 26, 2006

Bye Bye DoTA!!!

I deleted DoTA from my computer today. Enjoyed it over the last 2 months. One problem... I don't have enough time to get good ( i mean REALLY good) at it. Im ok now... about 1 :1 kills to deaths ratio or slightly below on most online games. But by no means a "game-changer" or outstanding player.

why I deleted it? Firstly i like games, good ones are fun (duhz) but i also have limited time cos there are alot of imprtant things to do with life:) I also like intense action which DoTA does not really provide. I need to play a 90 min game to feel satisfied that I have had enough action. I can't afford this time. 15 mins of coutnerstrike or some racing/sport/fighting game fits my desire for action and responsible timie usage better. so bye bye DoTA, it was a fun ride:) thanks and GOOD GAME.