Lunch at work - its easy
Here is a sample of what I have been eating at lunch at work. It beats the heck out of anything at any reasonably priced food outlet that i know of. Total cost $1 US, thats about 1.50 Singapore bucks. Its also super easy to prepare. Even some guys can manage it... haha
Preperation: I marinade chicken pieces by the kilo the day before. In this case the mariande was cooking wine, chicken stock, pepper and soy sauce. Pretty much anything is ok. Mix it up. I think some more curry like spices will be up next. I leave the whole bunch in the fridge and bring it to work uncooked in a thermos container, or i leave the whole batch in the office fridge (if you have one). For Veges I buy what I like and whats in season. In this case multi colored capsicums and broccoli. One general guide for veges is to eat many colors of them.
Ok now for cooking ...
Step 1 - Grease aluminium foil (I use butter because its stable in heat and doesnt change to other kinds of crappy fats) and just lay the meat and veges on it. I wrap it up if its goin into a toaster. It will prevent burning. If you are using a microwave use a microwave safe container. Aluminium foil is NOT a good idea for MW cooking.Step 2 - Toaster (you can use oven, microwave, hot coals, earthen oven whatever) but you will need to learn the timings since its not your home oven and it will be new to you. I reccomend trying a conservative setting like 10 mins then upping it 3 mins each time if the food isnt cooked. I use 15 mins at max power for my toaster.
Step 3 - Walk around holding your tasty, nice smelling, super healthy, super nutritious meal while trying not say judgemental things to those people who are having fried noodles with a large coke for lunch.