Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wow... first free saturday in a while... what do i do?


My room has been a dumping ground and storage space for my hobbies past and present. I just happen to sleep there at night:)

Books, Magic props, Photography equipment, Billiard cues, Roller Hockey equipment, Strenght training equipment, Computer perhiperals of all kinds... I just managed to squeeze a bed in there haha! But really... It was a mess. 2 or more years of accumulated (and sadly... depreciating) stuff... which HAS TO GO!

Step one: Look at the mess before me and try not go get discuraged

Step two: Throw all the things out into the hallway!

Step three: Put things back in an orderly fashion and enjoy new found space and comfort:)

boxes and boxes of trash gone! :):)!!!! I'm gonna sleep on the new floor space!